What that means is you cannot convert HEIC to JPG on Google Drive directly. It’s because there is simply no option on the Drive to do it. Therefore, the photos you have in HEIC on the Drive cannot be converted to JPG by the Drive itself. Since Google Drive is mainly a cloud storage provider, it does not come with any kind of converters.
Is It Possible to Convert HEIC to JPG on Google Drive Therefore, you need to do a HEIC to JPG conversion on Google Drive and the following shows how to do it if that is at all possible.
Since that is a new file format, not all the devices you use Google Drive on would be able to open these photos. If you have ever noticed, all the photos that you upload from your iOS device over to Google Drive have HEIC as their file format. Many of the iOS users prefer to store their photos on Google Drive as it allows the users to free-up the memory space occupied by these large-sized photos on your devices.
It supports all kinds of files to be stored on it including your photos. Google Drive is one of the popular cloud services available in the market to help you store and retrieve your files.